Our Vision is to offer up-to-date and flexible programs, which shape our graduates to be competitive professionals.

To provide an excellent education in all Computer-related fields.

Upon graduation, to enable students to effectively perform research in all areas of Computer-related study.

To promote a healthy teaching environment that emphasizes depth, originality and critical thinking.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is one of the best technically equipped departments that has a fully furnished infrastructure to offer a complete academic environment. The state-of-the-art laboratories provide a unique opportunity to boost the quality of engineering education and in understanding and providing the necessary practical skills to the young minds.

The Department offers B.E (Computer Science and Engineering) and M.E (Computer Science and Engineering) affiliated to Anna University Chennai and approved by AICTE. The Department has 16 teaching staff with M.E and Ph.D Qualifications. All our Classrooms and Seminar Halls are adequately spacious and are equipped with OHP/LCD projectors.

The department focuses on real-time projects for the final year students in both U.G and P.G, in line with our vision of making our students serve society through our motto "to live to learn; learn to serve".

The Department offers B.E.Computer Science and Engineering and M.E(Computer Science and Engineering) affiliated to Anna University and approved by AICTE.

Graduates of the Computer Science and Engineering Program will achieve:

To enable students acquire the necessary background in the mathematical, scientific and engineering concepts needed to succeed in industry/higher education.

To facilitate experiential learning of the students to analyze, design, implement and verify computer-based solutions for real world problems aligned with the industry expectations.

To provide the students with a solid foundation in computer science with opportunity to constantly update the knowledge in this ever emerging field.

To inculcate in students soft skills like communication, team work, leadership qualities, professional and ethical values and an ability to apply the skills and knowledge acquired to address societal issues.

To provide students with an academic environment conducive for lifelong learning needed for a successful professional career.

On completion of the B.E (Computer Science and Engineering) Degree the graduates will be able to:

apply Standard Software Engineering Practices and Strategies in real-time Software Project Development, using Open Source Programming.

design and Develop computer programs/ computer-based systems in the areas related to networking, web design and Cloud Computing, IoT and Data Analytics.

acquaint with the contemporary trends in industrial/research

PYTHON PROGRAMMING LABORATORY:This laboratory is designed to provide basic knowledge of Python. This Laboratory is planned for Software Engineers, System Analysts, Program Managers and User Support Personnel who wish to learn the Python Programming Laboratory.

C PROGRAMMING LABORATORY: This laboratory is designed to provide complete knowledge of C Language. Students will be able to develop logics that help create Programs and Applications in C.

OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LABORATORY: This Laboratory provides an Introduction to Object-Oriented Programs using Java Programming Language. Its main Objective is to teach the Basic Concepts and Techniques which form the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm.

DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LABORATORY: This Laboratory provides the basic study of Data Definitions and Data Manipulation Commands, Procedures & Functions, Triggers , Exception Handling and Database Design using ER modeling, Normalization and Implementation.

OPERATING SYSTEM LABORATORY: This Laboratory aims to impart knowledge in UNIX Commands and Shell Programming and Implementation of Process Management, Memory Management and File Management Techniques

NETWORKS LABORATORY :This Laboratory endeavours the study and use of Network Commands, Socket Programming , the implementation and analysis of various network Protocols, and Simulation Tools.

OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN LABORATORY : This Laboratory aims to design and implement complex Software Solutions using state-of-the-art Software Engineering Techniques and also to provide a working knowledge of UML Sources Control and Project Management.

INTERNET PROGRAMMING LABORATORY :This Laboratory studies the creation of Webpages using HTML/XML and CSS, writing the Client and Server side , PHP Programming and creating Applications with AJAX.

MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY :This Laboratory provides essential facilities to the students to enhance their knowledge in Mobile Application and IOS.

SECURITY LABORATORY:This Laboratory provides essential facilities to learn and implement the Algorithms DES , RSA, MD5 , SHA -I and also to study about Network Security tools NS2/OPNET/Packet Tracer/ Glomosim.

CLOUD COMPUTING LABORATORY : This Laboratory provides essential facilities to develop web application in cloud and implement Parallel Programming using Hadoop

CEP ( Continue Education Program)

Certificate courses are conducted by the Department to equip students with skills in the field of study and in meeting industry needs. Courses offered are chosen based on Current Trends, Relevance and Value in the job market.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has offered three Certificate Courses this year .
  • Short Term Course in Hardware & Networking.
  • Certificate Course in Web Designing.
  • Certificate Course in Mobile App and Web development.

Computer lab facilities with 24x7 Internet and WIFI CAMPUS.

Practical-oriented training imparted to students based on Anna University Syllabus to meet the current IT trends.

There are three Computer labs having 250 systems with latest configuration and internet facility.

Hands-on training to students on the Following: Mobile application development lab (android studio)-Developing Android Application testing in real time. Operating system lab (Ubuntu-VMware)-Open source software development. Security lab (C,C++,Secure shell)- Creating Security in networks from attacks. Internet Programming lab (PHP, XML)-Creating Web pages and social media application.

Softwares such as Agro UML- software design, Selenium-Software testing, NET beans – Java application to meet the challenge in the arising upcoming era problems in IT industries.

One-to-one teaching pedagogy in uplifting academics performance.

The following Staff Members have received "Academic Performance Award 2024" from the Management of "SRI RAAJA RAAJAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, KARAIKUDI ", for producing good academic results.

1. Mr.R.Susil Kumar

2. Mrs.M.Sindhu

3. Mrs.D.Sujatha

4. Mrs.A.S.Divya


Mr. S. Aanjan Kumar published a book chapter titled "BOTNET AN EMRGING CYBERSECURITY THREATS AND ITS EVOLUTION”, ISRD Publications, New Delhi.

Mr S.Aanjan Kumar 1 , S.Poonkuntran 2 published a book chapter titled “CS 6702 -GRAPH THEORY & APPLICATIONS” ( Anna University 2013 Syllabus -Computer Science and Engineering Regulation IV Computer Science and Engineering / 7 Semester) , Sadhana Publications, Madurai.


Mr. S. Aanjan Kumar 1 ,S. Poonkutran2 , Published a Paper titled "AN EFFICIENT SOFT COMPUTING APPROACH FOR SECURITING INFORMATION GAMEOVER ZEUS BOTNETS WITH MODIFIED CPA ALGORITHM" in Soft Computing by Springer, in May 2020.

Ms. S. Aanjan Devi 1 , V. PalaniSamy2 , S. Aanjan Kumar3, Published a Paper titled " AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR GENERATING BIO METRIC CRYPTOGRAPHIC SYSTEM FROM FACE FEATURE" in third International Conference on Trends in IEEE organized by SCAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY , TIRUNELVELI.

Mr. S. Aanjan Kumar1, Poonkutran Shanumgam2 published a Paper titled“PEER TO PEER BOTNET MANAGE SDT SECURITY ALGORITHM” in the International Conference Organized by AGNI COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, CHENNAI.

Mr. Poonkutran Shanumgam1 , S. Aanjan Kumar2 , published a Paper titled "P2P BOTNET PRECLUSION DOMAIN CAPTURING ALGORITHM” in IJAER Journal.

Mrs M.Sindhu published a paper entitled “PAIRING BASED ELLIPTIC CURVE CRYPTOSYSTEM FOR MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION” published on Vol – 1 , Feb 2015 in Journal titled international Journal for Trends in Engineering and Technology(IJTET)

Mrs M.Sindhu published a paper entitled “DETECTION AND PREVENTION OF INSIDER ATTACK USING MISBEHAVIOR SCHEME IN VANET” is published in IJAER Anna University, Annexure II conducted by Karpagam College of Engineering , Coimbatore.

Ms N.Angayarkanni published a paper entitled “AN IMPROVED AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM USING FINGER VEIN IMAGING” on international Journal of Research in Engineering , Science and Management (IJIRCE – 2019).

Ms N.Angayarkanni published a paper entitled “ENHANCED AND SECURITY EMPOWERED AUTHENTICATION SYSYEM USING FINGER VEIN IMAGING PRINCIPLES” on International Journal of Research in Engineering ,Science and Management (IJIRCE – 2019).

Ms N.Angayarkanni published a paper entitled “ANALYSIS OF LOAD BALANCING MECHANISM IN PUBLIC CLOUD SERVICE” on International Journal of Research in Engineering ,Science and Management (IJIRCE – 2019).


1 Mrs.D.Suganya System Admin M.C.A.

Our UG Faculty

Mr.R.Susil Kumar M.E., M.C.A

Head of the Department

Mrs.D.Sujatha M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mrs.M.Sindhu M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mrs.A.S. Divya M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mrs.V.Manju M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mrs.M.Surya M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mrs.S.Bharathi M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mrs.N.Pavithra M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mrs.S.Kayalvizhi M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Our PG Faculty

Dr.K.Meena M.E., Ph.D.

Head of the Department

Mr.P.Ponvasan M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mrs.S.Bharathi Meenal M.E.,

Assistant Professor

Mr.S.Pradeep M.E.,

Assistant Professor