In a world where ideas drive economies, it is no wonder that innovation and entrepreneurship are often seen as inseparable things. The governments around the world are starting to realize that in order to sustain progress and improve a country’s economy, the people have to be encouraged and trained to think out-of-the-box and be constantly developing innovative products and services. In order to train the students think laterally, the Institution has inaugurated Entrepreneurship Development Cell. It is not only for the benefit of our students but also for the local community, with the purpose of inculcating the spirit of ‘Entrepreneurship’ in youth and promoting micro enterprises for the most Educationally, Economically and Industrially backward rural region.
The Advisory Board will lay down policy guidelines, fixing up of physical and financial targets, suggesting measures for raising funds, effective utilization of facilities and expertise available within the Institution, and sourcing of expertise and facilities from other institutions in the region.
VisionTo be a Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship Development Programmes by Quality Learning.
MissionTo create entrepreneurial culture among students and local community, to finally identify, train, motivate and develop “Technocrat Entrepreneurs” for generation of wealth and employment of our nation.
The main objective of this cell is to train and motivate the students and local community to become Job Creators rather than Job Seekers.
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